Sun, 12 Feb
Join me for a special extended practice combing elements from both Traditional Chinese Medicine and Yoga. We will travel through an exquisite practice using movement, breathe, essential oils and wellness practices guiding us towards a radiant H E A R T.

Time & Location
12 Feb 2023, 10:00 – 12:00
Creating a sacred space for our practice, infused with love and intention, we will come together to explore the qualities of the heart as seen in both Tradiotinal Chinese Medicine and the Ancient Yogic rtadtions.
Seen in both as a multidimensional organ, its roles are plenty and go way beyond that of its physial responsibillity of pumping blood tirelelssly around our body.
Referred to as the Sun and Emporer in TCM and Anahata (unstrcuk cord) in yoga,
it is considered a dwelling place for our energetic emotional, mental and spiritual selves.
Our hearts and minds are inextricably linked. (Infact the Chinese word for heart a is often interchangable with the word for ‘mind’)
Peace, ease and wellbeing are expereinced when the heart is peaceful and when we experience alignment between our thoughts and actions.
But where as our mind likes certainty and answers, tightening and becoming overwhelmed if none can be essily found, the heart has the cpacity to hold paradox. When in balance, we feel an overwhelming sense of peace. we view life fluidiy appreciating that nothing is permenant and we do not resist its flux. There is a tender ability to hold opposing emotions simultaniously. The hearts strength and grace means that it can face difficulty in life whilst staying open and receptive to joy (the emotion associated with the heart).
And yet we forget…We seek certainty, we seek answers, crave gratification and acceptance form outside sources and follow others ideals rather than our own. We give our mind too much control and rather than move wih fluid grace through the kaliedascope of life, we become fearful, constricted and full of dis-ease.
So let us re-member. Let us return to our centre and drop ino the domain of our bright, powerful, compassionate and resliant H E A R T
Through both dynamic and yin practices, we will move and breathe with the intention of coming home. Of creating balance through the body exploring elements of both the TCM and Yoga traditions
It will be an honour to lead you though this beautiful practice of both movement and stillness. A perfect way to explore the equanimity of the heart space. Essential oils, breathe practises and wellness practices taken from both TCM & Yoga traditions, will be woven throughout our time togther to add richness and depth for our radiant heart.
How to secure your place
Investment ~ £20
Once you've registered for the class online, you'll receive an email requesting payment in order to secure your spot. Once you've made payment, your place is secure!